you are expressing the technique,
not doing the technique
-Bruce Lee-

Gradings are for
Licensed members (Membership is FREE . Licence fee £15 a year.Licence cover insurance for student) between 4 and 5 months
if no missing class some students can take longer.Grading and certificate is £20. A grading syllabus is only a guide to the
techniques we teach, that should be understood and demonstrated at each belt levels. There are many things that a student
will be taught and that a student is expected to learn, such as etiquette and appropriate behavior inside and outside of the
club, warm-up tecniques, some basic Karate story knowledge plus language used in the lessons. I don`t expected to master all
of these things for each grading but everybody is expected to make an effort to learn them.
" The ultimate aim of karate lies not
in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants."
